Cities on the Frontline #01 – March 12, 2020
We are living through a global health emergency as the Coronavirus impacts our cities and communities. By mid March, while some geographies had been dealing with the disease for more than 2 months, others were just beginning to experience the virus and to respond.
One of the most powerful tools we possess in managing this virus is knowledge and experience. Sharing experiences between trusted colleagues empowers everyone from leaders to citizens to feel prepared.
COVID-19 an Emergency Management Perspective
Dr. YANG Saini, Beijing Normal University’s Academy of Disaster Reduction & Emergency Management
China struggled, at first, to pinpoint the source of the outbreak in Hubei province where overcrowded hospitals, a lack of resources, and inadequate public information initially complicated efforts. Then, several efforts contributed to a successful provincial effort to flatten the curve:
- Placing restrictions on travel and imposing strict quarantine measures stabilizing stabilized the outbreak that centered around the 15-million strong city of Wuhan.
- Pulling in over 40,000 medical staff from other cities to help in Wuhan, throwing up emergency hospitals, and turning sports stadiums and factories into make-shift hospitals proved vital.
- Cooperation with local businesses helped bolster emergency logistics.
Responses in Chinese Cities
Dr. Aijun Qiu, Deputy Director General/Research Fellow, China Center for Urban Development, National Development and Reform Commission
City should be more resourceful to utilize its assets. Cities should have resourceful features during an emergency. City should be more integrated for governance. City works better if they can make their strategic approach more integrated from districts to streets and to communities. City should be more flexible for their action and measures. Gradually improve community working strategy by implementing smart city/different technology in fighting the virus.