Climate Resilient Cities

Today’s new normal requires models of governance that mitigate risk and respond to evolving challenges.

The Challenge

The world is falling short of promises made under the UNFCCC climate deal to mitigate and adapt to the increasingly devastating impacts of climate change.  Meanwhile, challenges of rising sea levels, urban heat, freshwater shortages, floods, droughts and more extreme weather events are becoming more severe and frequent. As cities increase in number and size, it underscores the need to strengthen resilience capabilities to withstand climate-related shocks and stresses and to build resilience for net-zero allowing to accelerate adaptation action in a carbon-constrained world.  

What we do

Climate resilience is a city’s ability to survive, adapt and thrive in the face of climate-related shocks and stresses. As a city builds its climate resilience, it can withstand these challenges while breaking silos, unlocking co-benefits that address the intersectionality of its risks and maximizing the value of every dollar spent in reducing and helping to prevent the impact of future shocks and stresses. Building climate resilience is thus key to improving the overall resilience of a city’s systems, businesses, institutions, communities, and individuals.  

R-Cities works to advance urban resilience through: 

News and Resources

Taking an Urban Resilience Approach to Climate, Health and Equity: A Point of View

Taking an Urban Resilience Approach to Climate, Health and Equity: A Point of View

A comprehensive approach for city leaders, policymakers, and practitioners to address the complex intersections of climate change, public health and social equity in cities.
Speaker Series 2024 #10 | Bridging Sectors: Mobilizing Corporate and Philanthropic Funding for Community Resilience   

Speaker Series 2024 #10 | Bridging Sectors: Mobilizing Corporate and Philanthropic Funding for Community Resilience   

As we confront the complex climate challenges of our era, collaborative and innovative action is essential. These efforts are needed to close market gaps and advance ambitious resilience agendas ...
Speaker Series 2024 #9 | Resilience for Communities, with Communities 

Speaker Series 2024 #9 | Resilience for Communities, with Communities 

Extreme heat, flooding, and tropical storms not only destabilize local economies but also impact vulnerable communities the most. As cities plan and adapt to looming climate risks, protection ...

Partner with us

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