Speaker Series #10 – Advancing Community Resilience

Jun 2021

About the Session

The Speakers

Cities on the Frontline cover image.

Cities on the Frontline Speaker Series

#10 –  Advancing Community Resilience

“Community resilience is an untapped opportunity for economic growth and long-term investment security.” – Lauren Sorkin, Executive Director, Resilient Cities Network.

Joined by special guest hosts, the University of Manchester, the 10th Cities on the Frontline webinar provides three unique perspectives on the importance of building, scaling, and sustaining resilient communities.

The session begins with a dialogue between Martha Herrera Gonzalez, Global Social Impact Director at CEMEX & ARISE Co-chairperson, and Lauren Sorkin. Herrera Gonzalez provides a terrific perspective on corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship and investing in communities.

“Companies cannot succeed in an environment when they do not invest in local communities.” – Martha Herrera Gonzalez

She discusses actions taken by CEMEX to focus on social and environment causes. For example, the Future in Action program prioritizes climate action and incorporates very ambitious goals for the reduction of CO 2 . The conversation culminates with a discussion on building strategic multisectoral alliances.

Dr Duncan Shaw, Professor of Operational Research and Critical Systems, The University of Manchester, then joins the session to offer greater insight into how to build strategic partnerships. He presents seven steps to operationalize Local Resilience Capability. Dr. Shaw speaks about the different vulnerabilities and capabilities that the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed about communities and their resilience. Finally, Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy, Director Strategic Partnerships and Development, Senior Advisor North America, Resilient Cities Network, provides a deep-dive into community development through a finance lens. He presents a tool and guide developed by the Resilience Community Development Finance (ResCDF) Initiative.

Sarkozy-Banoczy highlights a set of resilience principles used in building the CDFI Resilience Assessment Tool. Currently in its testing stage, The Tool is being brought to communities to evaluate its effectiveness. The session concludes with a discussion on how we can best scale community resilience and ensure longevity. All three speakers underscore the importance of beginning at the grassroots level, collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, and communication across all levels of government.

Martha Herrera Gonzalez
Global Social Impact Director, CEMEX, ARISE Co-chair, R-Cities Board Member

“Without local economic development there are no business opportunities for companies like ours.”

“At CEMEX, we’ve been focusing on the climate action which we think is essential. We have a program called Future in Action with ambitious goals for 2030 like reduction of CO2.”

Dr. Duncan Shaw
Professor of Operational Research and Critical Systems, The University of Manchester

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, our communities have been the first line of attack and defence.”

Dr. Duncan Shaws presentation

Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy
Director Strategic Partnerships & Development, North America, Resilient Cities Network

“Like good community work, we brought the CDFI Resilience Assessment Tool to the communities themselves. We then created a technical advisory committee to help develop the tool for impact””

Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczys presentation

Watch full session here:

Black climate change thematic icon with blue circular background. Black built environment thematic icon with blue circular background. Black economy and finance thematic icon with blue circular background. Black equity thematic icon with blue circular background.

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